Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Accessing Orkut & other blocked websites in College or at work

We often find ourselves in situations where in we need to have a peek of that particular scrap from a special someone on Orkut or find an attachment on Yahoo. But alas..Orkut & Yahoo are blocked at your workplace.

What do you do now? Don't despair!! Go through this : -

Trick1) Use a proxy server. They are in plenty on the web & a simple Google search will provide you the list. The common ones are usually blocked but some of the uncommon ones are,, etc. Go through the list here LIST.

Trick 2) Surf the web using Mowser, a new service that's free and converts any website into a mobile phone friendly format. This is a Google tool.

Trick 3) Try putting in the IP address of the website in the address bar. This may or may not work depending on your ISP.

Trick 4) Google !! Yes, your very old fav Search Engine. How?? Here's how : -
  • Use Google Mobile Search. Google display the normal HTML pages as if you are viewing them on a mobile phone. During the translation, Google removes the javascript content and CSS scripts and breaks a longer page into several smaller pages.
  • Enter the URL in Google or Yahoo search and then visit the cached copy of the page. To retrieve the page more quickly from Google's cache, click "Cached Text Only" while the browser is loading the page from cache.
  • Use the Google language transaltor tool ( available on ).
Trick 5) Use a URL redirection service like or These domain forward services sometimes work as the address in the the url box remain the redirect url and do not change to the banned site.

If all the above fail.... forget it & get back to work!!


Unknown said...

dude,you have given a good way of accessing orkut,just trying your method