YouTube has become one of the favourite hangouts on the web today. But how do you save YouTube videos onto your HD??
Simple :-
1) KISS : - Use the word kiss in front of the video URL & you'll have a link to download the same.
YouTube has become one of the favourite hangouts on the web today. But how do you save YouTube videos onto your HD??
With a plethora of Social Networking pros vying for attention, what does Mash! have that would impel me to make that unlikely shift from Orkut? Aldrich has the answer.
Mash is a new approach to online profiles, Aldrich says, adding that there are some new twists that make things a little interesting and a lot of fun. It allows you to make starter profiles for your friends and you can leave your profile open for trusted friends to add stuff you usually would'nt. Now how dangerous can that be?Leave it to your imagination. In short, think Wikipedia, which millions swear by but many don't trust because it can be changed by all and sundry.
You may therefore get up one fine morning & find your Mash profile tweaked by your next door neighbour, albeit with your permission.The main section ”About Me” has questions like If I were an animal, I would be.... Other fill-in-the-blank questions include The soundtrack of my life, What's most likely playing on my iPod, Something I can't leave home without, and My celebrity look-a-likes.
And there is no Scrapbook like in Orkut; it's a Guestbook.The fun part is you have your own little virtual pet which you can feed, smack, poke, jab or kill if you get too bored with it. Aldrich says Mash still is very raw with many bugs & has a long way to go.
Powered by Yahoo, you may find AllTheWeb a lighter, more customizable and pleasant "pure search" experience than you get at Yahoo itself. The focus is on web search, but news, picture, video, MP3 and FTP search are also offered.
HotBot provides easy access to the web's three major crawler-based search engines: Yahoo, Google and Teoma. Unlike meta search engines, it cannot blend the results from all of these crawlers together. Nevertheless, it's a fast, easy way to get different web search "opinions" in one place.
And then there are other intersting one's like ( provides clustering feature ), etc.
Happy Searching !!
Well, 'Tech Span' What's that ? I am sure that's the question that crops to your mind when you go through this
post. And by the way, i am sure the first thought will be ' Another Blog !!'
With lakhs of blogs doing the rounds of Blogosphere, how is this gonna be different. Well let me list out a few of my ideas : -